2 minute read

Summary: The Dbljump Guides website is here! Try our easy, step-by-step tutorial to create your first article – you can choose any game you like. We’ll continue to add more help content and improve the look of the Guides site throughout 2023.


Have you considered joining Dbljump as an editor but assumed it would be too complicated?

Are you wondering how Dbljump editing tools work, what they look like, and what you can do with them?

Well, we have good news for you – the Dbljump Guides website is here with a step-by-step tutorial for new editors.

In our four-part tutorial, you’ll create your first Dbljump article. And you can choose any game you like! (If there’s already an article about your chosen game, you can either pick another or use the tutorial to improve the existing article.)

The tutorial’s four parts break down like this:

  1. The article overview – Create a very basic summary, cover and header images, game genres, and platform versions.
  2. Releases – Add international release dates.
  3. Company and staff credits – Learn how to add your game’s top-billed credits.
  4. Article text – Create one or two short paragraphs and cite your sources.

I hope you’ll find it easy to follow and fun to do. Click below to read and try it.

Try the tutorial

Tell us what you think

If you’ve read or tried the tutorial, we’d love to hear your feedback so we can keep improving it.

Tell us what you think about questions like…

  • How easy or difficult did you find it?
  • Which parts did you most enjoy? Which were less fun?
  • What would you like to see added or changed?

Please email me at neil@dbljump.com if you’d like to have your say.

More guide content is coming

The Dbljump Guides site has lots of room for expansion. We plan to provide help for all of our editors’ tools including how to create and improve game, company, and person articles, media uploads, adding places, and more.

We’ll also try to improve the look of the site. Right now, it’s a simple fork of the excellent Just the Docs theme for Jekyll. We’ll at least add some branding and bring the colour palette into line with our other sites.

If you would like to help – perhaps you’re a content creator or designer – please email me at neil@dbljump.com.

Thanks for checking out our new guides!

Try the tutorial